Five Campuses - One SGA!
APPLICATIONS NOW AVAILABLE FOR 2023-2024 House of Representative Positions
Apply to be a leader today! Become a member of the SGA Executive Board or serve as an SGA Senator!
Executive Board
The Executive Board is comprised of the President, Vice-President, and Secretary/Treasurer. It is the responsibility of the Executive Board to guide the SGA in the best interest of the student body and to uphold the SGA Constitution.
- All students of Columbia State Community College who are enrolled in a minimum of twelve (12) hours each semester of the term of office or are enrolled up to the total hours required for their degree plan if they are in their final semester and who have a minimum cumulative 2.5 GPA may apply.
- SGA Executive Board will assume the responsibilities of their offices on the day of their induction in the spring semester. They are not required to take classes in the summer semester.
- Must dedicate a minimum of five (5) hours per week to SGA working hours and business.
- Executive board positions are eligible to receive scholarship and other benefits.
Interviews for Executive Board members are held each spring semester and are conducted by the Election Commission, any outgoing Executive Board members, as well as select college administration.
SGA Senator
The SGA Senate is comprised of 1 student from each campus (Columbia, Lawrence, Williamson, Lewisburg, and Clifton) to fill five SGA Senate seats. Senators are student-elected in the spring and remaining seats are student-elected in the fall at each campus.
- All students of Columbia State Community College who are enrolled in a minimum of six (6) hours each semester of the term of office and who have a minimum cumulative 2.0 GPA may apply.
- Must be attending at least one class on the campus you'll be representing.
- Senators take office immediately following their election and serve through that upcoming academic year.
- Senators are student ambassadors that represent the students on their home campus to help make and shape important campus decisions.
- Senators also co-chair student activity boards on their campuses!
- Must be willing to dedicate time each week to Student Government.
SGA House of Representatives
The SGA House of Representatives is comprised of 5 students from each campus (Columbia, Lawrence, Williamson, Lewisburg, and Clifton) and 5 students serving in At-Large positions from any campus/online only classes, to fill ten SGA House of Representative seats. The At-Large positions may be ideal for students who are taking classes online only classes or at multiple campuses; though this is not a requirement. All 10 House of Representative positions are student-elected in the fall at each campus.
- All students of Columbia State Community College who are enrolled in a minimum of six (6) hours each semester of the term of office and who have a minimum cumulative 2.0 GPA may apply.
- Must be attending at least one class on the campus you'll be representing (applies only to specific campus representatives, not At-Large).
- Representatives must take office immediately following their election and serve through that upcoming academic year.
- Representatives are student ambassadors that represent the students to help make and shape important campus decisions.
- Must be willing to dedicate time each week to Student Government.
Questions? E-mail us at: SGA@ColumbiaState.edu.