Center for Teaching and Learning

The CTL serves as the central delivery and communication point for all faculty (full time and part time) seeking opportunities to complete professional development (PD) training or participate in grant writing, publishing or presenting The CTL serves to enhance Columbia State’s mission “to nurture success and positively change lives through teaching, learning, and service.”
keyboard and coffee with Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL) verbiage CTL Homepage The CTL serves as the central delivery and communication point for all faculty (full time and part time) seeking opportunities. Center for Teaching and Learning
clock and Monday Minute Monday Minute Events and professional development from Academic Engagement & Innovation (AEI) Monday Minute
person's arms reaching for computer Adjunct Faculty Resources Our primary audience for this training are our valued part-time faculty members who may not be as familiar with teaching online courses. Adjunct Faculty Resources


Dr. Amy McDonald
Dean of Academic Engagement & Innovation
Columbia Campus, Warf 128