'66 Circle
The '66 Circle honors 1966, the year that Columbia State held its first classes. These donors are people who have displayed a great deal of loyalty by reaching six years of consecutive giving.
Jeffrey and Tina Adams
Howard and Kay Allen
Alliances, LLC
David and Rachel Ammons
Ascend Federal Credit Union
Barnes & Noble College Booksellers
Jennifer L. Basinger
Jerry and Charlotte Battles
Darlene Baxter
Ronald and Sherry Beck
Bobby and Gail Beech
Frederick and Patricia Behrens
Joann Belcher
Beta Rho Chapter
Thomas Michel and Christy Bottoms
Pearl and Henry Bransford
Mary Breeden
Brown-Forman Cooperage
Sonja Callicott
Cardin Distributing Co, Inc.
John and Ashley Carroll
Chapel Hill Lions Club
Kenneth and Ramona Cherry
Citizens Bank & Savings Company
City of Clifton
Clifton Marina DBA Hook & Sinker
Clifton Rotary Club
Columbia Breakfast Rotary Club
Diana Combs
John and Mary Cotham
Council for the Written Word
Robert and Debbie Coward
Thomas and Cathie M. Davidson
Alphonse H. Davis
Frank C. Davis
Martha N. Davis
Harold D. Delk
Doss Brothers Inc.
Duck River Electric Membership Corp.
James G. Dugger, Jr.
Mrs. Johnnie Ruth Elrod
Nell and Cyril Evers
Farm Bureau Health Plans
First Commerce Bank (Lewisburg)
First Farmers & Merchants Bank
First National Bank
Aubrey and Judy Flagg
Dr. Emma Kae Fleming
Melinda and John Fleming
Elinor B. Foster
Foundation for Geriatric Education
Sara and Harold Fralix
Dr. Paul Gaddis
James and Brenda Gardner
Victoria Gay
Georgia Pacific
Thomas N. Gordon
Dr. Ronald and Ann Griffeth
H & S Pharmacy #1
David and Deanna Hall, Jr.
Hardin County Regional Health
David G. Hardison
Naomi and Bobby Harris
O. Rebecca Hawkins, President Emeritus
Clara Haydak
John O. Helling
Mr. and Mrs. Waymon L. Hickman
Dr. H. Pitts and Kathy Hinson
Richard C. and Donna Holland
Nancy C. Hopper
Kenneth and Beverly Horner
Camille E. Howell
Dr. and Mrs. William L. Hunter III
Terry W. Jackson
Cecelia H. and Mitchell G. Johnson
Clare P. Keller
Michael and Cheryl Keny
Stephen A. Konz
Lambert Lumber Company
Victor and Bethany Lay
Betsye and Don Ledford
Lori and Timothy Lee
Lewisburg Industrial & Welding
Lewisburg Printing Company
Joe B. Liggett
Sue H. Malone
Gene Maples
William and Carol Marsh
Marshall Medical Center
Charlotte and Ronald Martin
Maury County Retired Teachers Association
Mr. and Mrs. J. David McClain
David and Elizabeth McDow
Benton and Emily McKnight
Virginia J. Meece
Edward and Dawn Moore
Dr. Kenneth and Linda Moore
Dr. Lewis and Lil Moore
Virgil H. Moore, Jr.
NHC Healthcare of Scott
William G. Odom
David Ogden
Msgt. Edgar R. Overby USMC, Retired
Stephen and Elizabeth Parey
Peoples Bank
Timothy and Lynn Pettus
Pratt Industries
Dr. Harold S. Pryor
Jerry and Bonitta Rinks
Lonnie and Renae Roberts
Mary Ann Roberts
William and Cheryl Rochelle
Rogers Group Inc.
Ronald and Janet Rogers
Patti W. Saliba
Judy M. Sanders
Shackelford Funeral Directors of Wayne County, Inc.
Neal R. Sharpe
Dr. Emily G. Siciensky
Janet F. Smith, Ph.D.
Margaret D. Smith, Ph.D.
Southern Carton Company, Inc.
Southern Tennessee Regional Health System-Lawrenceburg
Tennessee Aluminum Processors
The Box
The Gray Law Firm
Town of Chapel Hill
Dr. Michael L. Tyler
John and Hilda Vaughn
Voiture Local 1394 40 & 8
Con and Mary Vrailas
Walker Die Casting
William and Linda Walter
Candace Warner
Waste Management of Lewisburg
Wayne County Bank
Barry and Cherry White
Joe and Judy White
Paul R. White II David and Nanette Williams
William and Jenna Wilson
Women of Williamson
Larry and Ann York
Patricia W. and Craig C. Young