Heritage Society
The Heritage Society honors those individuals or organizations that have a named endowment to provide scholarships, programs and other support.
David and Rachel Ammons
Dr. Veena Anand
Dr. Marvin Austin
Loyd W. Booker
Brentwood/Franklin Woman's Service Club
William Buher
Dr. Eura O. (Lockridge) Burks
Cecil Cecil
Kenneth and Ramona Cherry
Brenda M. Coleman
Columbia Civitan Club
Columbia Noon Rotary Club
James Crunk
Keith Denham
John O. Dillingham
Nell and Cyril Evers
First Farmers & Merchants Bank
Fred H. Gillham
O. Rebecca Hawkins, President Emeritus
Tommy Hawkins
Mr. and Mrs. Waymon L. Hickman
Kenneth and Beverly Horner
Camille E. Howell
Dr. and Mrs. William L. Hunter III
Jo L. Hutton
Lennie Johns
Mollie B. Johnson
Estate of Abner Jones
Sam and Betty Kennedy
Kiwanis Club of Columbia, Inc.
Knights Of Columbus
Lawrence County Livestock Association
Marshall P. Ledbetter, Sr.
Dr. John C. Leonard, Sr.
Louis E. Lindsey
Ms. Carolyn T. Looper
Maury County Government
Maury County Retired Teachers Association
Maury County Veterans
Mack McClain
Jason P. Messick
Eric James Moeller
James P. Moon
James R. Moon
Dr. Lewis and Lil Moore
Mount Pleasant Rotary
Dr. B. I. Naddy
James Ron and Connie Neal
William M. "Butch" Neely
Aubrey and Barbara Nelson
Dr. Lawrence R. Nickell
Harry A. Pressnell
Dr. Harold S. Pryor
Joyce C. Reifsteck
Mildred H. Ribble
W. E. Rondstadt
Charles Sanders
Dr. L Paul Sands
Margaret D. Smith, Ph.D.
Southern Radiology Associates
Dorothy and Frank Sowell
Malcolm Sprinkle
John Williams Steenbergen
Glenn Stevenson Trust
Dr. William B. Sutter*
Tennessee Farm Bureau Federation
Dr. Michael L. Tyler
Voiture Local 1394 40 & 8
Con and Mary Vrailas
Mildred L. Walker
Ronnie L. Wallace
Waste Management of Lewisburg
W. J. Webster
Ms. Doris White
Marion Wilhoite