Mission and Goals
Mission Statement
“We endeavor to provide educational experiences leading to success, professionalism, and opportunity in the radiologic sciences.”
Goal 1: Students will demonstrate clinical competence in the performance of diagnostic radiographic procedures
Student Learning Outcomes:
1.1 Students will accurately position patients for radiographic examinations.
1.2 Students will select appropriate exposure factors for radiographic exams.
1.3 Students will apply the principles of radiation protection to the patient, self and others.
Goal 2: Students will demonstrate communication skills
Student Learning Outcomes:
2.1 Students will utilize acceptable verbal skills in the clinical setting.
2.2 Students will demonstrate oral and written communication skills.
Goal 3: Students will develop critical thinking and problem solving skills applicable to radiography
Student Learning Outcomes:
3.1 Students will modify routine imaging parameters based on patient condition and environmental conditions.
3.2 Students will evaluate images for diagnostic quality.
Goal 4: Students will exhibit professionalism
Student Learning Outcomes:
4.1 Students will demonstrate desirable work ethic behaviors.
4.2 Students will develop the habit of lifelong learning.
Goal 5: Graduates will contribute to the needs of the medical imaging community
Program Effectiveness Outcomes:
5.1 Admitted students will successfully complete the program.
5.2 Graduates will successfully complete the national certification examination.
5.3 Graduates will accept positions in radiography and related modalities.
5.4 Graduates will express satisfaction with their radiography education.
5.5 Employers will express satisfaction with graduates as entry-level radiographers.
The program mission and goals are consistent with the mission and goals of the college. Achievement of the goals is measured by the program’s Assessment Plan completed annually.